(ISTFD 2022 )

27-31 July, 2022 Xi'an China


Haohua Zong

School of Energy and Power Engineering

Chongqing Univeristy, China

Yang is Associate Professor at Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Chongqing University. His research interest focuses on key issues on thermal physics in Power MEMS and microscale transportation theory and micro energy system.As a project leader, he has undertaken 3 research projects supported by the NSFC and National key R & D plan, and published more than 70 SCI indexed papers. Many first-author papers are from celebrated journals such as Nano Energy,Adv. Sci., and cited more than 800 times by many top journals such as Joule and Chem.

Title:Multiphase-Interfacial Regulation and Enhanced Mass Transport in Micro/Nano Power Sources

Abstract:  Owing to the rapid development of information technology, the increasing portable micro-electronic devices such as micro drone, micro sensors and lab-on-a-chip have urgent demand of micro power source with superior performances, including high power density, long-period operation and low-cost.However, the unstable gas-liquid interface introduces the micro/nano power sources insufficient and unstable power generation. Recently,our group has proposed the electrode’s mass-transport network with low seepage threshold combining interfacial regulation and mass transfer enhancement. It realizes an efficient loading of catalyst and coordinated regulation of reactant and charged mass transfer. The electrode/electrolyte interface is successfully optimized according to the criterion of "minimum surface adsorption energy", realizing the bubbles’ efficient and low resistance detachment in micro-channel.