(ISTFD 2022 )

27-31 July, 2022 Xi'an China


Haohua Zong

National Key Laboratory on Aeronautical Plasma Dynamics 

Baling Road 1, Xi’an, 710038, China


Dr. Haohua Zong, born in October 1992, is currently an associate professor at national key laboratory of plasma dynamics, Xi’an. He received his PhD degree at Delft University of Technology in 2018 and further worked as a post-doc at EPFL, Switzerland in 2019. His main research directions include plasma-based flow control, wind turbine wake modelling, and wind farm power optimization. He has published more than 30 journal papers in the top journals of fluid mechanics such as JFM, POF and AIAA J, and these papers were cited more than 600 times. In 2021, He received sponsorship from the Outstanding Youth Project of NSFC (oversea). In addition, he is also in charge of one national key laboratory funding and one foundation strengthening project.

Title:Turbulent Skin-Friction Drag Reduction with Plasma Actuators 

Abstract:  Wall plasma jets in turbulent boundary layer (TBL) is a phenomenon relevant to extensive active flow control applications including turbulent friction drag reduction and flow separation elimination. In this study, high-resolution stereo-PIV measurements are adopted to diagnose this phenomenon. Results show that the cross-flow momentum transfer pertaining to plasma-induced streamwise vortices plays a dominant role in the variation of mean flow velocity profiles, and the turbulent transportation and viscous dissipation terms should only be considered at downstream of the plasma actuation zone. Unidirectional plasma jet is able to produce a slender low-drag zone next to the exposed electrode, with a local drag reduction as high as 50%.